Today I stumbled upon an unpleasant problem with .NET configuration. I’d like to have a configuration file that looks like this.
<one />
<two />
<one />
Well, this is not kosher in .NET configuration terms. So I reduced my expectations. I want the following.
<add type= "one" />
<add type= "two" />
<add type= "one" />
Every element has more-a-less similar parameters, but they might vary slightly. Since “one” and “two” are specialized, I’d like to implement two classes One and Two and derive them from the same common parent class. How do I achieve that?
The trick is to use a proxy class and to manufacture the right type during deserialization.
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Configuration ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Xml ;
namespace NestedConfiguration
public class CollectionSection : ConfigurationSection
[ ConfigurationProperty ( "collection" , IsDefaultCollection = false )]
[ ConfigurationCollection ( typeof ( CollectionConfig ), AddItemName = "add" )]
public CollectionConfig Collection
return ( CollectionConfig ) this [ "collection" ];
this [ "collection" ] = value ;
public class Parent : ConfigurationElement
[ ConfigurationProperty ( "name" , IsRequired = true )]
public string Name
return ( string ) this [ "name" ];
this [ "name" ] = value ;
[ ConfigurationProperty ( "type" , IsRequired = true )]
public string Type
return ( string ) this [ "type" ];
this [ "type" ] = value ;
public void ProxyDeserializeElement ( XmlReader reader , bool serializeCollectionKey )
DeserializeElement ( reader , serializeCollectionKey );
public class One : Parent
[ ConfigurationProperty ( "p1" )]
public string P1
return ( string ) this [ "p1" ];
this [ "p1" ] = value ;
public class Two : Parent
[ ConfigurationProperty ( "p2" )]
public string P2
return ( string ) this [ "p2" ];
this [ "p2" ] = value ;
public class Proxy : ConfigurationElement
private Parent _Parent = null ;
public Parent Parent
return _Parent ;
public Proxy ()
public Parent Instance
return _Parent ;
protected override void DeserializeElement ( XmlReader reader , bool serializeCollectionKey )
string type = reader . GetAttribute ( "type" );
switch ( type )
case "one" :
_Parent = new One ();
break ;
case "two" :
_Parent = new Two ();
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "Invalid type: {0}" , type ));
_Parent . ProxyDeserializeElement ( reader , serializeCollectionKey );
public class CollectionConfig : ConfigurationElementCollection
public CollectionConfig ()
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement ()
return new Proxy ();
protected override Object GetElementKey ( ConfigurationElement element )
return (( Proxy ) element ). Parent . Name ;
public Parent this [ int index ]
return (( Proxy ) BaseGet ( index )). Parent ;
if ( BaseGet ( index ) != null )
BaseRemoveAt ( index );
BaseAdd ( index , value );
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name= "CollectionSection" type= "NestedConfiguration.CollectionSection, NestedConfiguration" />
<add type= "one" name= "one-1" p1= "one-1 p1" />
<add type= "one" name= "one-2" p1= "one-2 p1" />
<add type= "two" name= "two-1" p2= "two-1 p2" />
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Configuration ;
using System.Text ;
namespace NestedConfiguration
class Program
static void Main ( string [] args )
ExeConfigurationFileMap map = new ExeConfigurationFileMap ();
map . ExeConfigFilename = "NestedConfiguration.exe.config" ;
Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager . OpenMappedExeConfiguration ( map , ConfigurationUserLevel . None );
CollectionSection config = ( CollectionSection ) configuration . Sections [ typeof ( CollectionSection ). Name ];
Console . WriteLine ( "Nested configurations: {0}" , config . Collection . Count );
foreach ( Proxy proxy in config . Collection )
Console . WriteLine ( "Type: {0}" , proxy . Parent . GetType ());
catch ( Exception ex )
Console . WriteLine ( ex . Message );
Nesting multiple ConfigurationElement types in a ConfigurationElementCollection was published on February 18, 2009 . See a typo?