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Daniel Doubrovkine

aka dB., @awscloud, former CTO @artsy, +@vestris, NYC

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I wonder whether it still compiles and runs.

; Beep speaker; period given by beep_div, duration by beep_len.
beep proc
	pushx ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,es,ds ;preserve registers
	mov al,10110110b ; select 8253
	mov dx,43h ; control port address
	out dx,al
	dec dx ; timer 2 address
	mov ax,cs:[beep_div]
	out dx,al ; low byte of divisor
	xchg ah,al
	out dx,al ; high byte of divisor
	mov dx,61h
	in al, dx ; get current value of control bits
        push ax
	or al,3
	out dx,al ; turn speaker on
; Wait for desired duration by monitoring time-of-day 18 Hz clock
	mov bx,cs:[timer_low]
	mov cx,-1
beeplp: mov ax,cs:[timer_low]
	sub ax, bx
	cmp ax,cs:[beep_len]
	jg beepover
	loop beeplp
	; Turn off speaker
        pop ax
	and al,not 3 ; turn speaker off
	out dx,al
	popx ds,es,di,si,dx,cx,bx,ax
beep endp