Today we’ll improve this map/reduce implementation that produces a collection of tags with their counts. We’ll add inline map/reduce for databases that support it, inline JavaScript and make fast incremental updates.
MongoDB 1.7.4 introduced inline results within map/reduce. It avoids creating a temporary collection and can be achieved by passing { :raw => true, :out => { :inline => 1 } }
within the map/reduce options. Since we’d like to support multiple versions of MongoDB, we’ll inspire ourselves from some code in mongoid_fulltext and switch between map/reduce that supports inline results (MongoDB = 1.7.4) and one that doesn’t (older versions of MongoDB).
if collection.db.connection.server_version >= '1.7.4'
# supports inline map/reduce
# doesn't support inline map/reduce
Let’s also learn to declare JavaScript functions inline. It’s prettier than a string.
map = <<-EOS
function() {
if (this.tags != null) {
this.tags.forEach(function(t) {
emit(t, 1);
reduce = <<-EOS
function(key, values) {
var count = 0;
values.forEach(function(v) { count += v; });
return count;
The map
function emits a count for each tag and the reduce function sums the counts up.
To make the tags update incremental, let’s collect all the tags upfront into a hash (it’s a tradeoff which consumes more memory, but avoids a lengthy cursor that can potentially lead to a sever timeout with very large collections). The following code transforms the array of Tag instances into a hash with the tag name as key.
tags_before = Hash[*Tag.all.collect { |tag|
[, tag]
The incremental update takes care of creating new tags or updating counts.
tag = tags_before[name]
if ! tag
Tag.create!(name: name, count: tag_mapreduce['value'].to_i)
tag_mapreduce_count = tag_mapreduce['value'].to_i
if (tag_mapreduce_count != tag.count)
tag.update_attribute(:count, tag_mapreduce_count)
We’ll also have to remember to delete tags that no longer exist.
(tags_before.values - tags_after).each do |tag|
Full implementation here. Copy/paste and rename TaggedModel to your model that contains tags. Maybe time to make a library out of this?
Update (2015)
Check out the mongoid-tag-collectible gem.