I just released a new version of svn2svn 1.2, a tool for replaying changes in SVN repositories.
- Added /incremental (/i) mode to svn2svn; detects all previously synced revisions and starts at the latest revision that has not been synced (thx @dei79).
- Added fs2svn, a tool that synchronizes a file system folder to SVN.
- Added svn2, a tool that can recycle unversioned files (sync).
- Added /stopOnCopy[+/-] to svn2svn, default isto follow branch/copy history.
- Added /root option to svn2svn, specifies ancestor svn path.
- Added support for specifying HEAD in svn2svn –revision:start:end.
- Svn2svn will assume HEAD revision when end revision omitted in –revision.
- Modified files are displayed in svn2svn console output before each action with an M marker.
As much as I love SVN I suggest you check out Git and especially Github for your next project.