Daniel Doubrovkine bio photo

Daniel Doubrovkine

aka dB., @awscloud, former CTO @artsy, +@vestris, NYC

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In 93’ I wrote a Guestbook CGI in C++. Then in 94’ I made my first blogging system. I honestly don’t remember what technology it used, but I think it was some hairy PHP with a ton of issues. Data must have been stored in text files or something like that. The technology has since evolved and got hours of work poured into it. This blog’s code is here. But don’t use it. It all works, but it’s proprietary and riddled with legacy. I would have done something very different today. So …

I wanted something modern, fresh, nerdy and open-source for the new Art.sy Engineering blog. Last week I played with Octopress. It was confusing at first, but now feels completely natural and clean. Octopress is fully integrated with Git and Github pages, so we love it. Check it out. Bookmark it. Subscribe to its RSS.

There’s also an awesome first post by @mmcnierney14 on responsive layout with CSS3 and a collection of our open-source projects.