Le Clash of Booba, Rohff and La Fouine have a new player, RapGenius.
James, who I have met, and who is a super nice guy wrote a post called “Heroku’s Ugly Secret”, describing the changes in the Heroku’s routing mesh on the Cedar stack and how much it sucks. It’s a bit sensationalist, and there was some hint on the evil overcharging overlords. It’s the price of getting up there on HN, I guess. I was going to just watch this quietly, but I just can’t.
This is unproductive. This sensational news has been discussed here and here a year ago. Man, you tore. Them. UP.
Heroku is not an evil organization and it provides an amazing service to millions of applications. It has enabled so much in my world! It has very smart developers that try to be as helpful as they can and, I am sure, do their best to improve the said routing. They don’t always succeed, but they certainly don’t deserve “serious internet beef”, which in Russian we would call “полемика высосанная из пальца”. Let’s all get back to making technology a better, more civil place, please.