The Grape ecosystem has grown tremendously in the past few years and it’s time we take the next step and have the community take over in a bigger way. I am pleased to announce the creation of a new Github organization called ruby-grape.
Grape was created by Michael Bleigh at Intridea and made its debut at RubyConf 2010 in New Orleans. Jerry Cheung had later joined development. Grape now leaves the Intridea home to become an independent project that belongs to the Ruby community. Today I am the official Grape maintainer, but Grape is also many related projects, each individually maintained by a growing group that is defined by rough concensus and running code. Grape is used by many thousands of developers and numerous commercial and non-commercial applications. Grape itself has 6,462 stars and 726 forks on Github as of the time of writing this, August 3rd, 2015.
New Home
The new home is at
Mailing List
We will continue to use this Ruby-Grape Google Group for all announcements and communication.
Member Projects
The first two member projects are Grape itself and grape-entity, moved to the new organization from Intridea. I want to thank Intridea for giving birth to Grape, the many years of supporting it, and for encouraging its release into the community at large.
We welcome all contributors to the Grape ecosystem, built upon rough consensus and running code, a principle described in the Tao of IETF. We are highly inclusive, try to be nice and helpful to both experienced and new developers. We encourage you to participate and to be pragmatic. To quote David Clark, “We reject kings, presidents and voting”, and Jon Postel, “Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you accept.”
The organization will be grown with an increasing number of maintainers. As we bring more projects in, we will promote more people to organizational admin level. Michael Bleigh (@mbleigh) and I (@dblock) to start and others to join as we grow! There are many maintainers of various Grape projects and we want to give everyone an opportunity to rise to the bigger community effort by actively contributing.
My personal goal is to end up quickly with 6 ruby-grape admins from old time contributors.
Projects Joining the Ruby Grape Organization
We encourage you to develop and support your Grape ecosystem project, expand its maintainers and help a community thrive. Some projects do become quite popular and you might want to donate them to the community at large. If you want to move a project to the ruby-grape Github organization please make a succinct proposal on the Ruby-Grape Google Group. A member of the core team will make the call.
A New Site
The newly remodeled is now live. We want you to contribute to it, please see CONTRIBUTING.
A Twitter Account
A Huge Thank You
I’d like to send a huge thank you to all the contributors to the Grape ecosystem. This is the beginning of a bright future!
Announcing the new Ruby Grape organization on Twitter, RT this.