Github has been petitioned, begged and implored to enable SSL on custom domains running on Github pages. They finally delivered SSL support with LetsEncrypt.
This is what I had to do for my Github pages Jekyll site at You can see the changes in
Change url
in _config.yml
to fix asset and other internal links.
I couldn’t figure out how to make those relative to either HTTP or HTTPs.
Add a JavaScript redirect to _head.html
from HTTP to HTTPs.
<script language="javascript">
// Enforce SSL
(function (root) {
"use strict";
var h = root ? root.location.hostname : "",
p = root ? root.location.protocol : "";
if ("http:" === p && !(/^(localhost| {
root.location.protocol = "https:";
("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : this));
I couldn’t find a plugin that could make a 301 redirect before page load, something that Google recommends.
Include the JavaScript.
{% include _enforce_ssl.html %}