Tagged "testing"
- How To Test Delayed Jobs
- Passing Tests with Volkswagen
- ActionMailer Integration Testing with Email-Example-Spec
- Mocking UIAlertView with OCMock
- Precompiling Rails Assets before RSpec/Capybara Integration Tests
- Building & Scaling a Test-Driven Culture @ AppNexus (Video)
- Should you use 'Should' in RSpec Examples?
- TaxCloud: SOAP Service Integration in Ruby
- The Safety Net: Removing Barriers to Test Automation
- AgileDC 2012: Taming the Testing Beast
- How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript?
- 5 Ways to Avoid Feature Branches
- Avoiding Production Disasters and The Value of Patience in Software Development
- Don't Hate UI Testing - Reliably Testing Asynchronous UI w/ RSpec & Capybara
- Testing w/ Analytical Gem and RSpec
- Fabricating Spec Failures
- Capybara: Failed to Resynchronize, Ajax Request Timed Out (not caused by green elves)
- Permission denied - /var/tmp/ruby-uuid
- Unable to Obtain Stable Firefox Connection in 60 seconds: Downgrading Firefox on Ubuntu
- RSpec: Fuubar + Breaking Tests into Suites
- Selecting items from a dropdown with Capybara, Selenium (Firefox) & JQuery
- RSpec + Capybara Don't Return a Proper Exit Code
- How we Upgraded a Live Site in the Middle of Demo (and Didn't Die of a Heart Attack)
- Ruby: Unlearning OOP and Embracing Anarchy
- Folder-Driven Development: when to create a folder?
- kernel.rb:27:in `should': uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHandler (NameError)
- MSBuild: Setting Up a Build Environment w/ NUnit
- VMWare ESXi 4.1.0 Automation: Insufficient permissions in host operating system
- RemoteInstall in ThisWeekInTest.tv
- RemoteInstall Test Framework 1.2 Released
- Code Coverage with EMMA
- MSIOpenPackage on Windows 7: behavior changed
- Locating UI controls and clicking through menus with System.Windows.Automation and White
- Automating Win32 UI Testing: System.Windows.Automation and Project White
- RemoteInstall: supporting reboots between installers
- RemoteInstall Test Framework Open-Sourced