Tagged "jna"
- WAFFLE 1.5 Released
- JNA 3.5.0 Released
- Waffle 1.4 Released
- JNA is now a Githubber
- JNA: Getting currently logged-in user's groups
- JNA: Coming back to Life on Kenai (and a word on Github)
- Waffle: Single Sign-On User Impersonation in Tomcat
- JNA: Building JNA on Windows 64-bit
- Waffle + JNA under Tomcat 5.5 Security Manager
- log4jna: The description for Event ID 4096 from source log4jna cannot be found.
- log4jna: log4j:ERROR Could not register event source (Access is denied.)
- JNA: Reading Windows Event Log entries in Java
- Waffle 1.3 Released
- Introducing Oshi: Operating System and Hardware Information (Java)
- Tomcat Single Sign-On mixed with Form Authentication w/ Waffle
- Windows/Active Directory Authentication: Tomcat + JAAS w/ Waffle
- Java Native Access (JNA) 3.2.5 Shipped
- Pure Java Waffle
- JNA: Working with Unions
- JNA: pointers to arrays of pointers
- JNA: AcquireCredentialsHandle, InitializeSecurityContext and AcceptSecurityContext - Establishing an Authenticated Connection
- JNA: accessing Windows registry from Java
- JNA: Win32 platform API implementation
- JNA: Advapi32, Netapi32 and Secur32
- Win32 PInvoke with JNA