Tagged "win32"
- ResourceLib 1.4 Released
- Single Sign-On: Servlet Negotiate Security Filter (Kerberos + NTLM) w/ Waffle and Jetty
- Community MSI Extensions 1.3 Released
- ResourceLib 1.3 Released
- Waffle @ NYJavaSIG
- Waffle 1.4 Released
- JNA: Getting currently logged-in user's groups
- ProcessDomain: remoting & out-of-process AppDomains
- Win32: When things get seriously obscure in Windows XP/2003 UpdateResource
- dotNetInstaller: UAC Elevation on Install
- Waffle: Single Sign-On User Impersonation in Tomcat
- The program can't start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll is missing from your computer.
- log4jna: The description for Event ID 4096 from source log4jna cannot be found.
- log4jna: log4j:ERROR Could not register event source (Access is denied.)
- JNA: Reading Windows Event Log entries in Java
- Waffle 1.3 Released
- Introducing Oshi: Operating System and Hardware Information (Java)
- WAFFLE: A PowerPoint Presentation
- Java Native Access (JNA) 3.2.5 Shipped
- Pure Java Waffle
- JNA: Working with Unions
- JNA: pointers to arrays of pointers
- JNA: AcquireCredentialsHandle, InitializeSecurityContext and AcceptSecurityContext - Establishing an Authenticated Connection
- JNA: accessing Windows registry from Java
- JNA: Win32 platform API implementation
- WAFFLE: Windows Authentication Functional Framework (LE)
- Win32 PInvoke with JNA
- Cabinet.dll: what's a proper way to handle fdintCABINET_INFO in a split cab
- MSIOpenPackage on Windows 7: behavior changed
- Locating UI controls and clicking through menus with System.Windows.Automation and White
- Automating Win32 UI Testing: System.Windows.Automation and Project White
- ResourceLib 1.2 with added support for RT_JUSTABOUTEVERYTHING
- MSLU is well alive or how to run on Windows 95/98 without carrying unicows.dll
- File Resource Management .NET Library
- Icon support in ResourceLib.NET
- Log4Cxx for Win32 VS 2005, 2008, etc.
- File Resource Management Library (.NET)