Tagged "artsy"
- Building the Artsy Open-Source Engineering Brand
- Reflecting on 8 Years Building Artsy
- The Art Market 1.0, University of Zurich
- Christie's Art + Tech Summit: Exploring Blockchain
- In Conversation with Andrew Russeth, ARTNews
- State of the Art Podcast: How Art Will Make Us Human
- Artsy Overview for Coalition for Queens and Q&A
- The Future of Art
- Art Basel Miami 2016: The Art World Is Officially Online
- MIT Hacking Arts 2016 Hackathon
- MIT Hacking Arts 2016 Conference
- Phone Screens are Harmful and The Benefits of the Informational Interview
- Democratizing the Art World Without Pitchforks
- MIT Hacking Arts 2015
- Open-Sourcing the Artsy Engineering Compensation Framework
- Syntax Highlighting in Markdown Content with Recarpet, Coderay and Rails
- The Other Side of Your Interview
- Tiling and Zooming ASCII Art
- When do you need to hire a designer?
- Mapping and Tiling on iOS
- Mentoring 101
- Building & Scaling a Test-Driven Culture @ AppNexus (Video)
- Migrating from a relational to a NoSQL cloud database?
- The tech? It just worked. Thanks AWS!
- How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript?
- 5in5 NYC Episode 7
- Why I Love Code Reviews
- MongoNYC 2012: Using MongoDB to Build Art.sy - Video
- How Not to Rewrite Everything
- How to Redirect Bang Hash Urls
- How Art.sy uses Github to Build Art.sy
- Octopress: Blogging Evolution
- Blame it all on MongoDB
- Grape: Describing and Documenting an API
- Sensations Fortes: Deploying Software from Airplanes
- Me in Wired: Art.sy's ‘Genome' Predicts What Paintings You Will Like
- Oh BetaBeat: Me in New York's 20 Most Poachable Techies
- Me @ Silicon Alley Talent Fair on NY1
- Moving to New York? All You Need is the Tech Made in NYC List
- Mongoid 2.0.2, Mongo + bson + bson_ext 1.4.0 and 1.4.1
- Eye&Mind Interview
- Mongo Boston 2011
- JQuery Konami Komando
- Contribute to any of these open-source projects and I will help you in any way I can
- RSpec: Fuubar + Breaking Tests into Suites
- Open-Source Is Simply Part of my Team's Job Description
- Sitting is Killing You? Move to New York
- Moving to New York: a Guide for Software Engineers
- How we Upgraded a Live Site in the Middle of Demo (and Didn't Die of a Heart Attack)
- Dear California Engineer - Your Commute is Killing You? Move to New York!
- Your Startup's Technology: 0-60 @ Internet Week
- Thinking open source: How startups destroy a culture of fear
- 0-60 In Startup Tech: Slides
- Summer Math and Engineering Internships @ Art.sy
- Wrapping the Idee PixMatch RESTful API in a Ruby Gem
- Your Startup's Technology: The First 60 Days in Examples / Class at General Assembly
- Mongoid_fulltext: full-text n-gram search for your MongoDB models
- Continuous Deployment with Heroku-Bartender
- Art.sy: Change the World