Tagged "ruby"
- Safely Passing Ruby Variables to JavaScript in ERB
- Writing a Channel Slack Bot with Granular Permissions
- Migrating Classic Slack Ruby Bots to Granular Permissions
- Dup, Don't Modify Input Hash Parameters in Ruby
- Comparing Version Numbers in Ruby
- Writing a New OpenWeatherMap.org API Ruby Client
- Handling of HTTP Headers in Grape with Rack and Rails
- Solving Slack-Side Disconnects in slack-ruby-client
- Writing a New Strava API Ruby Client
- Implementing Geolocation with a Custom GraphQL Scalar Type in Ruby
- Auto-Publishing Strava Runs to Github Pages
- Google Finance Web API Ruby Client
- Generating and Handling Errors in GraphQL in Ruby
- Building and Consuming a GraphQL API with Ruby on Rails
- Grape Framework 1.0 Released
- The Demonic Possession of Hashie::Mash
- How To Test Delayed Jobs
- Lazy Each in Ruby MRI vs. Rubinius
- The New Ruby Grape
- Getting Things Done with Mongoid 5
- ActionMailer Integration Testing with Email-Example-Spec
- Designing a Hypermedia API with Grape & Roar
- Taking Over Someone Else's Open-Source Projects
- Syntax Highlighting in Markdown Content with Recarpet, Coderay and Rails
- Golden Gate Ruby Conference 2014
- Anatomy of a Ruby Gem: Grape
- Ruby Enumerable Detect with Value
- Custom RSpec Meta Tag Validator
- ld: library not found for–lXext installing RMagick on Mavericks
- Grape Mounted behind Goliath
- Making HTTPs Requests in Ruby & JavaScript w/ Node.js
- Evolving APIs using Grape API Versioning
- Being Helpful with Ruby Exceptions and Error Messages
- Your First Ruby Gem
- Grape vs. Poncho
- Grape 0.4.0 Released w/ Stricter JSON Format Support & More
- Should you use 'Should' in RSpec Examples?
- Losing Control to the Heroku PaaS
- Measuring Performance in Grape APIs w/ NewRelic RPM
- TaxCloud: SOAP Service Integration in Ruby
- Slow Migration to Mongoid::Slug 2.x
- Wrapping Responses with Grape and Rack
- GoRuCo 2012: From Zero to API Cache w/ Grape & MongoDB in 10 Minutes (Video)
- How Not to Rewrite Everything
- Grape 0.2.0 Released
- Paging and Iterating Over Large Mongo Collections
- How To Convert Numbers Into Words in Ruby (with numbers_and_words)
- How Long Does it Take to Create a 12 Lecture, 8 Week Course
- Crafting a Ruby on Rails Course for Developers
- Watching Rack Application Changes with Guard-Rack
- Updating Devise Trackable Last User Sign-In Time with Devise Rememberable
- CarrierWave: DelayJob-Processing of Selected Versions, Revisited
- Testing w/ Analytical Gem and RSpec
- Grape API Mounted on RACK w/ Static Pages
- Paginating w/ Mongoid 2.4.0, MongoMapper and Kaminari
- Warning: Toplevel Constant XYZ Referenced Admin:XYZ
- Fabricating Spec Failures
- Blame it all on MongoDB
- Grape vs. Webmachine
- Grape: Describing and Documenting an API
- Pushing Assets to S3 w/ Rake: Versioning and Cache Expiration
- Serving Compressed Rails Assets from S3 via CloudFront
- NYC.rb: Building RESTful APIs w/ Grape
- Rendering Markdown Documents in Rails
- Grape: Routing Multiple Methods
- Filtering by User-Agent in Rails
- Using GCC to install Ruby w/ RVM on Mac OSX Lion
- Sorting Tables in Rails w/ Mongoid
- Capybara: Failed to Resynchronize, Ajax Request Timed Out (not caused by green elves)
- CarrierWave: DelayJob-Processing of Selected Versions
- New Relic: Performance Instrumentation with Grape API
- Mongoid Collection Snapshot
- Rails Editable Mail Templates w/Preview from 37Signals
- IE9: Cache-Busting with Grape Middleware
- Being Lazy: Using the Ruby driver to connect to MongoDB
- Rails: Custom and Editable Mailer Templates in Markdown
- The Jenkins AnsiColor Plugin You've All Been Waiting For
- Exporting Data to Excel in Ruby on Rails w/ Spreadsheet and to_xls
- Permission denied - /var/tmp/ruby-uuid
- Embedding API Sandboxes in Documentation
- RSpec: Fuubar + Breaking Tests into Suites
- Selecting items from a dropdown with Capybara, Selenium (Firefox) & JQuery
- Modularizing a RoR Grape API: Multiple Versions
- Introducing Gem-Licenses: Collect 3rd Party Licenses in RoR Projects
- Modularizing a RoR Grape API
- Mongoid 2.0.2 Dropped Pagination => Kaminari
- RSpec + Capybara Don't Return a Proper Exit Code
- Compass: Invalid US-ASCII character 'xE2'
- Delaying Image Processing on Heroku with delayed_job
- RoR Win: 'Getting Things Done' with MongoDB Mongoid
- Improving tags map/reduce with MongoDB 1.8.x
- Rails + S3 + CloudFront + Jammit + Heroku + 100 грам
- Grape: API Authentication w/ Devise
- Grape: trapping all exceptions within the API
- Wrapping the Idee PixMatch RESTful API in a Ruby Gem
- VirtualBox: Linux on Windows
- Mongoid_fulltext: full-text n-gram search for your MongoDB models
- CarrierWave: Saving Best Image Geometry
- A Rake Task for Copying Data between Amazon S3 Buckets
- Rails: Passing Arrays in a Query String
- A Rake Task for Copying MongoDB Databases
- CarrierWave: Full Control over Changing (S3) Upload Path Name
- Continuous Deployment with Heroku-Bartender
- How to define Enums in Ruby?
- Models look nice, but sometimes you just want to change they way they feel
- Dan North doesn't believe in magic and makes babies cry
- Ruby: Unlearning OOP and Embracing Anarchy
- Folder-Driven Development: when to create a folder?
- Adding (almost) static pages to your fancy Rails website
- Seeding, exporting and importing MongoDB data with Rake
- Rails: opinionated directory structure
- DataMapper: promoting columns into classes
- Running ruby files on Heroku via rake
- BSON::InvalidKeyName: key must not contain '.' or ‘$'
- kernel.rb:27:in `should': uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHandler (NameError)
- The program can't start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll is missing from your computer.